Have you ever realized many great websites that you visit may often have a dominant blue? Definitely a dominant blue website is not a coincidence, they create a website with a dominant blue has a specific purpose. In this article, JalanTikus will give reasons why many large websites have a dominant blue color.
1. Branding
1. Branding
Blue is the main color in a branding. Branding itself is made to facilitate the consumers to see the products we make and services we offer. Examples of large blue website:
2. One Fastastic 3 Colors
- Paypal
- WordPress
- Skype
2. One Fastastic 3 Colors
The blue color is one of the "Fantastic 3 Colors" with Red and Green. Besides having a more natural color, there are three other things that are owned Fantastic 3 Colors:
Allows you to set the reader's emotions
Creating a more user focus
Offers a new approach in choosing colors
3. Preferably many people
Allows you to set the reader's emotions
Creating a more user focus
Offers a new approach in choosing colors
3. Preferably many people
The blue color is one of the three most favorite colors. Percentage of men who love the color blue adalah72%, more than women are only 28%. This may happen because blue has a quiet nature than other colors.
4. Based Culture
4. Based Culture
The blue color can mean different in each country.
5. Matches in all themes
- Worldwide: Color secure
- China: Eternity
- Middle east: Protection
- Europe: Quiet, something blue, and the tradition of the bride.
5. Matches in all themes
The color blue is a color that matches combined with other colors, dark colors, or bright colors.
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