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The Beatles – the stories behind the songs 1962-1966 – Steve Turner

Book Title: The Beatles - The Stories Behind the Songs 1962-1966
Author: Steve Turner
Publisher: Carlton Books
Year: publications 4-2009

In the preface the author states that what he wrote just want to tell how the story every Beatles song was created and provides an understanding of the wonders of creation of songs from the Beatles.

In this book there are 7 Beatles album in the era from 1962 to 1966 consisting of 97 songs.

Like the Austin Kleon postulates in his book Steal It Like an Artist, Beatles is one of the legendary artist who successfully use postulate "Fake It Till You Make It". At first menjadika Beatles Elvis as a role model to them, until they could finally surpass Elvis and get their good fortune.
John & Paul was the first pop star who has higher education, although the two do not go to school, but they were fairly well in school. Before the Beatles, pop music career only to teenagers drop out.

At the beginning of his career, Beatles songs do not put the lyrics, although musically fairly complex and there are always new chords and eccentric they learned from the previous musicians. Their music music music music is the influence of their idol at the time, such as Elvis, Buddy Holly, Gene Vincent, Little Richard and the Everly Brothers. Then continues to the American girl band like the Shirelles and the Choffons and Motown music as the Miracles and Marvin Gaye. They also like the style menulia songs of Gerry Goffin and Carole King.
Then, as they often do the tour, the music of Bob Dylan began to affect, call it the song "I'm a loser" and "Help" shows the influence of Dylan is very strong.

While Paul is more affected in classical music and the orchestra through his girlfriend is actress Jane Asher. This can be seen in his work "And I Love Her", "We Can Work It Out" and "Yesterday".

John and Paul are two private complementary, where John is personal melancholy and always felt safe, while Paul is more realistic and optimistic.

What's interesting about the progress of each album the Beatles are, their refusal to be limited to the mainstream pop music at the time. For this I was reminded of what was said Austim It Kleon in his book Steal Like an Artist as genuinity or Autenthicity.

Further, I will try cuplikkan some Beatles songs interesting.

1. The album Please Please Me

A. I Saw Here Standing There

The song was originally titled "Seventeen", originally coined by Paul who has interest in writing songs about girls 17th on the grounds that most girls love love songs.
Originally, 2 stanza first lyrics are "She was just seventeen, Never been a beauty queen". But when discussed with John, lyrics later changed as it is today, to "You know what I mean" indicating sexual solicitation for 16th age is the age that is allowed in the UK at the time for the girl to have sexual intercourse.

Paul-John wrote this song with acoustic guitar and Paul really mimic Chuck Berry bass chords in the song "I'm Talking About You" entirely. Interestingly, although Paul admits he imitated, but no one ever believed it to this point.

B. PS I love You
Written by Paul in 1961, after the return of Dorothy Dot to Liverpool. Dot is a lover Paul in that period.

C. Do You Want To Know A Secret?
John wrote this song on a childhood memory when first her mother used to sing a song from the 1937 Walt Disney movie, Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs: 'Wanna know a secret ?, Promise not to tell ?, We are standing by a wishing well' ( I'm Wishing, words and music by Larry Morey and Frank Churchill).
According to Harrison, the inspiration of this song comes from the song 'I Really Love You' '1961 hit from Stereos.
John also made a demo of this song with a guitar acoustic guitar in the bathroom, could be heard from the sound of a flush toilet at the end of the song, is quite unique.

C. There's A Place
A song written by John sadness they experienced and tried to reflect it into himself.
Although John admitted that the entire song is a creation, but Paul states that the initial idea of ​​this song came from it coming from West Side Story song, 'There' A Place For Us' (1957).

2. Album With The Beatles
Unlike the first album that took five years of completion, the album only need 5 months. On this album they are forced to create songs anywhere and anytime. But this only made John and Paul increasingly creative.
John-Paul seemed to have the radar of what the public wants to hear, namely songs directly fixed individually on each female fans, like From Me To You, Thank You Girl, I'll Get You.
Upon its release in November 1963, the album became the no.1 pop album that sold more than one million copies.

A. She Loves You
The song is at the standings from the second album. Beat the spur, good harmony, sound 'wooo' coquette, and the words 'yeah yeah yeah' a differentiator of this song.
The song was composed by John and Paul in Newcastle, in the Turk's Hotel, after they play at the Majestic Ballroom in June 1963. The song was created with an acoustic guitar and they both sat on the bed different.
Previous song is more oriented to 'I' until John turn it into a third-person perspective. Paul got the idea of ​​Bobby Rydell song 'Forget Him'.
There are various intetpretasi will this song, as if such a reconciliation, but also can mean the threat of a third party to get a girl.

3. Album A Hard Day's Night
The album marked a breakthrough for the Beatles in which each song is written by the Beatles themselves. The album is also used as a very successful movie to boost album sales as devoted as it was in the beginning. Income from the movie over 30 times the cost of production.
This album, like the previous album, the Beatles made under pressure, but there remains great personal nuances in it.
The album became no.1 in the UK and US in 1964.

A. A Hard Day's Night
The title comes from the song Ringo who had complained about the making of the album is done endlessly day and night. She thought it was still daylight, but it was very night as it was.
This song dinyanyika by Paul, because of the high tone can not be achieved by John.

B. If I Fell
This song is very personal for John when the household is on the verge of divorce with Cynthia. This song is one of the best songs of John which tells of forbidden love. According to John, the song is semi-autobiographical and is known for depicting her unfaithfulness to Cynthia, but John tried to avoid direct confrontation.

B. And I Love Her
John stated the song was Paul's first Yesterday '. While Paul assessing this song as 'the first song that even impressed'.
The song was inspired, again, out of love for Paul to actress Jane Asher.
This is the first song that made acoustically and Ringo plays bongo.

4. Album Help
This second album is used as a movie and released in August 1965 as well as topping the charts in Britain and America. As well as the album A Hard Day's Night, all the songs in the album Help is not related to the movie.
Beatles expressing disappointment with this film because they only be complementary.
Help is a period where the Beatles began to consume cannabis on a regular basis.

A. I'm Down
This song is a song made by Paul imitating Little Richard song, 'Long Tall Sally' by the Beatles style sets.

B. Help
The song was composed by John and Paul at the home of John in Weybridge, Kenwood, in April 1965 as an expression of disappointment John himself, at which time he felt terperanhkap in fame.

C. You've Got To Hide Your Love Away
Some say that the song is directed John to Brian Epstein to hide his homosexual relationship at that time still relies illegal in the UK. However there are also saying that this song for John himself and his affair.

D. You're Goin To Lose That Girl
The song was created and perfected John Paul in Weybridge, said to be the sequel of She Loves You.

E. Ticket To Ride
John describes this song as the first heavy metal taped.

F. It's Only Love
This is a song that is so hated by John because the lyrics are bad, embarrassing and stale.

Yesterday G.
The song was composed Paul when I woke up one morning with the strains of the song Yesterday has been ringing in his head danbia pour on piano. Speculation says that Paul wrote this song as an expression of regret for the death of his mother.

5. Rubber Soul Album
The album marked an important period of transition from the Beatles. John called it the beginning of enlightenment of the band, the wild end of the Beatles. Released in December 1965 and topped the British and American charts.
The album also marks the experimental period Beatles with music and new sounds, where Paul began to play Fuzz Bass and George Sitar. Paul also cites that this album marks the beginning of the song and the lyrics are more humorous.
Nowhere Man is a song that tells burglar lack of confidence. Paul song, We can work it out showing maturity. The Word of creation John song is an expression of universal love which later became the basis of the song "Within You, Without You 'and' All You Need Is Love '.

A. Day Tripper
John is a typical song to illustrate the influence of drugs on the Beatles songs.

B. We Can Work It Out
This song describes the rift between Paul with Jane Asher, where Paul shows his disapproval of Jane's departure from London to pursue a career.

C. Nowhere Man
As well as Help, this song illustrates John who felt himself unworthy. The possibility at that time John was in trouble and the wedding was far outside the city.

6. The album Revolver
Revolver, released in August 1966, marking a significant development in the Beatles music and also the end of an era Beatles. After this the music they created in the studio only and is not intended to be displayed directly. Beatles prefers the experimental studio and the music began to be influenced psychedelic effects.
The album also marked the rift John and Paul, where John began to feel jealous and insecure with his interest in experimental art Paul regarded John as ranahnya.

A. Taxman
Taxman created by George. At that time George was ordered to pay approximately 96% super tax on the income.
There is the possibility of the final chorus of the song is influenced by the tv series Batman theme song at the time.

B. Here, There and Everywhere
The song was written by Paul as an expression of his love for Jane Asher. Neither John nor Paul calls this song as one of their favorites.

C. Yellow Submarine
Paul created this song to the children and to be sung easily by children.
But there are also rumors stating that the song is related to drugs. In New York, the yellow capsule Nembutal is often referred to as the 'yellow submarines'. But Paul denied this rumor.

D. And Your Bird Can Sing
It is said that this song is a satire directed John to Paul. John was jealous and insecure when Paul began to try the experiment of art that are considered John as ranahnya as a former art student.
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