Title of book: The Beatles - The Stories Behind The Songs 1967-1970
Author: Steve Turner
Publisher: Carlton Book
Year: Edition 4-2009
This is the end of the era of the Beatles, where John is not so plays a central role when Yoko Ono and Harrison began to dominate his life began to emerge creating songs. After Sgt. Pepper, Paul began to dominate the creation of a Beatles song. Partnership when the creation of the song She Loves You and I Want to Hold Your Hands has ended.
1. The album Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
This is the first album that made the Beatles in total in the studio without being interrupted schedule to appear on stage and tour. The album was released in June 1967, or better known as the Summer of Love. There are four songs are very different and can describe that era, namely Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, She's Leaving Home, Within You Without You and A Day In A Life. The rest of the song the other is British pop.
The album is also reputedly known as the first concept album.
Bary Menurur Miles, contact Beatles at that time, Paul is the brain of this album compared to John. John then severe addiction and was busy getting rid of ego.
A. Penny Lane
Penny Lane is the name of the street where John and Paul spent their childhood. According to them Penny Lane is the street where the people are always friendly and the weather is always sunny at the time.
B. Strawberry Fields Forever
John created this song during breaks filming How I Won The War in Almeira Spain. This song tells the story of how John at the time of his youth always considers himself different from the people around him.
He once said that no one can be in tune with his thinking and it could be because he is a genius or a different one.
Strawberry Field (John adds' s) was an orphanage in Beconsfield Road, Woolton, a 5-minute walk from John's home in Menlove Avenue. That is where John played and met Aunt Mimi in the holidays.
Whenever a Strawberry Field, John was finding his world to another and in adulthood is a refuge from drug addiction.
B. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
John admitted that created this song inspired by the portrait of his son, Julian, who painted his school friend named Lucy and jewels in the sky.
But rumors reported that the song is about drug LSD that was popular at the time and are also consumed by John.
C. Within You Without You
The song was composed Harrison with a thick eastern aroma. Harrison was very interested in learning the sitar and Ravi Shankar at the time. The song was recorded by the Beatles Harrison without involving other members.
D. A Day In A Life
It was the first song is a combination of unresolved songs of John and Paul.
2. Album of The Beatles / The White Album
There is a change in the Beatles on this album, which they began to be interested in the teachings of Indian guru, Maharishi Yogi. At first Pattie Harrison who attend lectures from him and began to invite George and the other Beatles in August 1967.
Brian Epstein's death on August 27, 1967 to make them lose a father figure and the more open they are to follow the teachings of Maharishi whom they came in India in February 1968.
Maharishi's teachings brings peace and reflection on the Beatles and also rekindled their musical friendship.
Beatles claimed to have created 30 songs on his return from India to be their next new album, even though only 15 songs are actually created in India, in the absence of electric instruments that they bring to India.
A. Back in the USSR
Between the years 1965-1968, there was a healthy rivalry and mutual admiration between the Beatles and their rivals in the United States, namely the Beach Boys. Through the album Pet Sounds, the Beach Boys much inspired by Revolver and Sgt Pepper album of the Beatles, especially for the song 'Sloop John B', 'Would not It Be Nice' and 'God Only Knows'.
Back in the USSR was one of the songs that were created inspired Paul of his conversation with Mike Love of the Beach Boys a time when they were having breakfast together, Love said why not create a Beatles song for the Soviet version back in the USA of his Chuck Berry. It creates a 'Back in the USSR "as a parody of Back in the USA of his Chuck Berry.
The song is in the United States own a lot of criticism, especially from the anti-communist activists, since the cold war and Vietnam is raging at the time.
B. Obladi Oblada
Said Obladi original Oblada are words without a meaning that is often spoken of an artist from Nigeria, namely Jimmy Scott Anonmuogharan Emuakpor. He is a conga player who often found Paul in Bag o'Nail club in Soho, London. Said Scott Obladi Oblada always used in the show, where she would like to Obladi on the audience and the audience responded with words Oblada, then Scott will close with a word Life Goes On. These three words are used Paul as the title song and the chorus of the song.
Scott claimed the words and the Beatles sued over use of the song. On July 5, 1968, Scott played a conga to the Beatles and it was only when he collaborated with the Beatles.
In about 1969, Scott was arrested for failing to pay for his ex-wife. Beatles help him out of prison and settle this case and instead Scott revoke lawsuit over Beatles.
This song is also regarded as the White Ska, because the songs and characters Desmond is in a song inspired from Jamaica.
C. While My Guitar Gently weeps
George's interest in the book I Ching and the principle of amendments, made him decide menrapkan principles on how to create songs. George created this song with a title inspired by a novel, 'Gently weeps' is one interesting word he had taken as part of the title song.
The song was recorded in July 1968 without the involvement of any other Beatles members, but Eric Clapton who help playing the guitar leads.
D. Do not Pass Me By
It is the only song written by Ringo and Beatles finally recorded after Ringo fight to his fellow Beatles for 4 years. Ringo songs originally created rhythmic country and western but Paul and John finally sing the blues rhythm.
E. I Will
I Will was the first song written by Paul to the end, who later became his wife, namely Linda.
F. Sexy Sadie
Looks like this song is about a woman who exploit men, but in fact John made this song to satirize the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. It is said that only utilizes Beatles Maharishi for money and to approach women.
3. The album Let It Be
Let It Be is reputedly the disintegration of the Beatles album. In this album, Paul is in control and force the other fellow to work on the album while John and George have started reluctantly and showed displeasure.
The album also triggers the release of Paul of Beatles, triggered because not digubrisnya Paul requests that song Long and Winding Road restored to its original shape.
Paul later issued a solo album in December 1970 and filed a lawsuit against the Beatles.
A. Across The Universe
John created this song revolves around the creative process of composing songs. Written having met Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
B. Let It Be
The song was written by Paul as a surge of disappointment and answers from the pressures experienced since start Loosening the relationship of each Beatle. The presence of Yoko accompanied John on a recording session disliked other personnel. George started reluctantly because of his songs have been rejected, while Ringo has begun to take on vacation.
C. The Long And Winding Road
As well as songs Yesterday, this song was created Paul without a specific reason.
This song actually describes the circumstances in High Park, a farm in Scotland, windy and winding path.
D. The Ballad of John and Yoko
John wrote this song after his marriage to Yoko deemed not easy.
The song was recorded by Paul and John Paul plays bass, piano, maracas and drums, while John plays lead and acoustic guitar and vocals.
4. The album Abbey Road
The songs in the album describes the frustration of the Beatles. Abbey Road is the breakup of the Beatles album, which featured two songs namely George Here Comes the Sun and Something.
In the UK, Abbey Road was released in September 1969 and being No. 1 for 18 weeks and in the American release in October 1969 and stay at the top for 11 weeks.
A. Come Together
John wrote this song as a support for the Timothy Leary, who was running for US president against Reagan.
B. Something
George terinpirasi by another Ray Charles had imagined singing this song and album James Taylor in 1968 'Something In The Way She Moves in creating this song.
C. Here Comes the Sun
In January 1969, John and Yoko appoint Beatles manager Allen Klein as the eventual approved by George and Ringo, while Paul remained loyal to John Eastman, a New York lawyer and sister of Linda.
The number of meetings held by George Klein makes uncomfortable and fled to England to see Eric Clapton. The song is then created on the runaway in one fine morning there.
Author: Steve Turner
Publisher: Carlton Book
Year: Edition 4-2009
This is the end of the era of the Beatles, where John is not so plays a central role when Yoko Ono and Harrison began to dominate his life began to emerge creating songs. After Sgt. Pepper, Paul began to dominate the creation of a Beatles song. Partnership when the creation of the song She Loves You and I Want to Hold Your Hands has ended.
1. The album Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
This is the first album that made the Beatles in total in the studio without being interrupted schedule to appear on stage and tour. The album was released in June 1967, or better known as the Summer of Love. There are four songs are very different and can describe that era, namely Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, She's Leaving Home, Within You Without You and A Day In A Life. The rest of the song the other is British pop.
The album is also reputedly known as the first concept album.
Bary Menurur Miles, contact Beatles at that time, Paul is the brain of this album compared to John. John then severe addiction and was busy getting rid of ego.
A. Penny Lane
Penny Lane is the name of the street where John and Paul spent their childhood. According to them Penny Lane is the street where the people are always friendly and the weather is always sunny at the time.
B. Strawberry Fields Forever
John created this song during breaks filming How I Won The War in Almeira Spain. This song tells the story of how John at the time of his youth always considers himself different from the people around him.
He once said that no one can be in tune with his thinking and it could be because he is a genius or a different one.
Strawberry Field (John adds' s) was an orphanage in Beconsfield Road, Woolton, a 5-minute walk from John's home in Menlove Avenue. That is where John played and met Aunt Mimi in the holidays.
Whenever a Strawberry Field, John was finding his world to another and in adulthood is a refuge from drug addiction.
B. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
John admitted that created this song inspired by the portrait of his son, Julian, who painted his school friend named Lucy and jewels in the sky.
But rumors reported that the song is about drug LSD that was popular at the time and are also consumed by John.
C. Within You Without You
The song was composed Harrison with a thick eastern aroma. Harrison was very interested in learning the sitar and Ravi Shankar at the time. The song was recorded by the Beatles Harrison without involving other members.
D. A Day In A Life
It was the first song is a combination of unresolved songs of John and Paul.
2. Album of The Beatles / The White Album
There is a change in the Beatles on this album, which they began to be interested in the teachings of Indian guru, Maharishi Yogi. At first Pattie Harrison who attend lectures from him and began to invite George and the other Beatles in August 1967.
Brian Epstein's death on August 27, 1967 to make them lose a father figure and the more open they are to follow the teachings of Maharishi whom they came in India in February 1968.
Maharishi's teachings brings peace and reflection on the Beatles and also rekindled their musical friendship.
Beatles claimed to have created 30 songs on his return from India to be their next new album, even though only 15 songs are actually created in India, in the absence of electric instruments that they bring to India.
A. Back in the USSR
Between the years 1965-1968, there was a healthy rivalry and mutual admiration between the Beatles and their rivals in the United States, namely the Beach Boys. Through the album Pet Sounds, the Beach Boys much inspired by Revolver and Sgt Pepper album of the Beatles, especially for the song 'Sloop John B', 'Would not It Be Nice' and 'God Only Knows'.
Back in the USSR was one of the songs that were created inspired Paul of his conversation with Mike Love of the Beach Boys a time when they were having breakfast together, Love said why not create a Beatles song for the Soviet version back in the USA of his Chuck Berry. It creates a 'Back in the USSR "as a parody of Back in the USA of his Chuck Berry.
The song is in the United States own a lot of criticism, especially from the anti-communist activists, since the cold war and Vietnam is raging at the time.
B. Obladi Oblada
Said Obladi original Oblada are words without a meaning that is often spoken of an artist from Nigeria, namely Jimmy Scott Anonmuogharan Emuakpor. He is a conga player who often found Paul in Bag o'Nail club in Soho, London. Said Scott Obladi Oblada always used in the show, where she would like to Obladi on the audience and the audience responded with words Oblada, then Scott will close with a word Life Goes On. These three words are used Paul as the title song and the chorus of the song.
Scott claimed the words and the Beatles sued over use of the song. On July 5, 1968, Scott played a conga to the Beatles and it was only when he collaborated with the Beatles.
In about 1969, Scott was arrested for failing to pay for his ex-wife. Beatles help him out of prison and settle this case and instead Scott revoke lawsuit over Beatles.
This song is also regarded as the White Ska, because the songs and characters Desmond is in a song inspired from Jamaica.
C. While My Guitar Gently weeps
George's interest in the book I Ching and the principle of amendments, made him decide menrapkan principles on how to create songs. George created this song with a title inspired by a novel, 'Gently weeps' is one interesting word he had taken as part of the title song.
The song was recorded in July 1968 without the involvement of any other Beatles members, but Eric Clapton who help playing the guitar leads.
D. Do not Pass Me By
It is the only song written by Ringo and Beatles finally recorded after Ringo fight to his fellow Beatles for 4 years. Ringo songs originally created rhythmic country and western but Paul and John finally sing the blues rhythm.
E. I Will
I Will was the first song written by Paul to the end, who later became his wife, namely Linda.
F. Sexy Sadie
Looks like this song is about a woman who exploit men, but in fact John made this song to satirize the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. It is said that only utilizes Beatles Maharishi for money and to approach women.
3. The album Let It Be
Let It Be is reputedly the disintegration of the Beatles album. In this album, Paul is in control and force the other fellow to work on the album while John and George have started reluctantly and showed displeasure.
The album also triggers the release of Paul of Beatles, triggered because not digubrisnya Paul requests that song Long and Winding Road restored to its original shape.
Paul later issued a solo album in December 1970 and filed a lawsuit against the Beatles.
A. Across The Universe
John created this song revolves around the creative process of composing songs. Written having met Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
B. Let It Be
The song was written by Paul as a surge of disappointment and answers from the pressures experienced since start Loosening the relationship of each Beatle. The presence of Yoko accompanied John on a recording session disliked other personnel. George started reluctantly because of his songs have been rejected, while Ringo has begun to take on vacation.
C. The Long And Winding Road
As well as songs Yesterday, this song was created Paul without a specific reason.
This song actually describes the circumstances in High Park, a farm in Scotland, windy and winding path.
D. The Ballad of John and Yoko
John wrote this song after his marriage to Yoko deemed not easy.
The song was recorded by Paul and John Paul plays bass, piano, maracas and drums, while John plays lead and acoustic guitar and vocals.
4. The album Abbey Road
The songs in the album describes the frustration of the Beatles. Abbey Road is the breakup of the Beatles album, which featured two songs namely George Here Comes the Sun and Something.
In the UK, Abbey Road was released in September 1969 and being No. 1 for 18 weeks and in the American release in October 1969 and stay at the top for 11 weeks.
A. Come Together
John wrote this song as a support for the Timothy Leary, who was running for US president against Reagan.
B. Something
George terinpirasi by another Ray Charles had imagined singing this song and album James Taylor in 1968 'Something In The Way She Moves in creating this song.
C. Here Comes the Sun
In January 1969, John and Yoko appoint Beatles manager Allen Klein as the eventual approved by George and Ringo, while Paul remained loyal to John Eastman, a New York lawyer and sister of Linda.
The number of meetings held by George Klein makes uncomfortable and fled to England to see Eric Clapton. The song is then created on the runaway in one fine morning there.