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Information Technology

Information technology views of word constituent is a technology and information. By simply of information technology is the result of human engineering to the process of delivering information from the sender to the receiver so that the delivery of such information shall:

wider distribution, and
for longer storage.
To make it easier to understand let's look at developments in the field of information technology. At the beginning of history, people exchanging information through language. Then the language is technology. Language allows one to understand the information conveyed by others. But the language that passed from mouth to mouth only a short time only, ie only when the sender to convey information through his word alone. After the speech was finished, then the information is in the hands of the recipient that will be forgotten and can not be stored longer. Besides voice coverage is also limited. To a certain distance, though still audible, the information conveyed through language will sound degraded even disappear altogether.
After the technology to deliver information through pictures. With a range image could further information. This image can be carried and passed on to others. In addition there is information that will last much longer. Some pictures of ancient relics still exist today so that people today can (try to) understand information to be conveyed maker.
The discovery of the alphabet and arabic numbers facilitate the delivery of information more efficient than previous ways. An image that represents an event created by the combination of the alphabet, or by writing numbers, such as MCMXLIII replaced by 1943. Technology with this alphabet facilitate the writing of the information.
Then, printing technology allows the transmission of information more quickly. Electronic technology such as radio, tv, computer becomes faster resulting information spread over a larger area and longer stored.
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