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Universal Adobe Patcher

Adobe Universal Patcher -pernah pal feel puzzled to find a patch atapun crack or serial number to make a buddy Adobe Software to Full version.

Thanks To Painter, for providing the ease of a solution for us who want to have adobe activator All in one. For the category of Adobe CS 4 to Adobe CC 2015, and other Adobe software.

To use this quite easily, 3 times Click, software adobe pal of kategory version of Adobe CS 4 to the latest version of Adobe CC will be in full version. support with the 32 Bit or 64 Bit.

Adobe Universal Patcher version 1.5 already support all product adobe CC, 2015.

Step use

  1. Ensure Software adobe accordance Lis above product has been installed
  2. then Copy "Universal Adobe Patch.exe" The All directory installan

  3. C: \ Program Files \ Adobe \ Adobe xxxxxxxxxxx

  1. right click, select Run as administrator
  2. Select Product adobe that will mate execution for activation
  3. then select Patch
  4. done

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