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How to Change Template Blog

Blogger.com is a provider subdomain famous and most in demand by Blogger Indonesia. In addition to free, blogger also has advantages in terms of a User Friendly incredible. Even a layman or those who are new to Blogger also must be easy to use features provided by bloggers. But as the site of the famous blogspot subdomain providers, bloggers are required to perform maintenance whether it improve security, features, and Display. Some time ago, yes about 1 year ago blogger replace remodel even become more Userfriendly display. For that reason, the features that are provided will change the shape and appearance. Therefore I will give you a complete way of Change Template Blogger / Blogspot as we know it.

How To Change Template Blog (.XML file)

  1. Open and login Blogger.com
  2. Choose Your Blog
  3. See the left side> Save Template
  4. Click the Backup / Restore (Upper Right Corner)
  5. select Browse
  6. Select the Template File format .XML
  7. Click Open / Open
  8. Upload
  9. finished

Changing Template Blogspot (.txt File / TEXT)

What If I have a Template File format .txt? Do not worry, there are two ways:
How First Change Txt File into XML

  1. Open the Template file format txt using Notepad
  2. Select the File menu
  3. Select Save As
  4. Name the Template.xml (--namatemplate.xml--)
  5. In the Save As Type select All files
  6. If It Has File Template.XML Please Make a Change How to Blog Template (.XML file)

Both Ways Entering HTML code contained on Txt File / Text

  1. Open the Template File Form txt
  2. Copy all existing code using the CTRL + A> CTRL + C
  3. Open and login Blogger.com
  4. Choose Your Blog
  5. Choose Template
  6. Edit HTML
  7. Clear All code in the HTML box
  8. Paste the code before you copy (HTML code / code in XML File)
  9. Save / Save Template

Good luck ... ^ _ ^
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